There are many ways to support Rancho Compasión!

Your contributions not only help to feed, shelter, and provide veterinary care for our residents, but help support our educational programs.

Checks and cash donations can be mailed to:

PO Box 566, Nicasio, CA 94946

Rancho Compasión is a 501c3 nonprofit; your gift is tax-deductable.

Sponsor one of our residents and receive a cute stuffy and adoption certificate.


Other Ways to Support Us


Shop our Amazon Wishlist to send items directly to us!


Does your employer offer a matching gift program? Please put our name down! Some companies make donations for volunteer hours; please let us know if you’d like to volunteer with us!

Do you have a donor-advised fund? We’d be honored to be your recipient!

Do you want to support us long-term? Consider including us in your will!

In-Kind Donations

We are always looking for in-kind donations, such as building supplies (and skilled handywork), fencing, wheelbarrows, your skilled services (construction, merchandise screenprinting, crafting, networking, etc), gift cards to Tractor Supply/ACE Hardware, goat playground equipment, and any other functioning farm equipment. All donations are tax-deductible. If you are interested in making an in-kind donation, please contact