Fred the Turkey Needs Your Support!
Photo by Austin Meyer.
Our majestic mascot, the consummate host, the tap dancing, gobbling, and strutting maestro, Fred Astaire, has lost a little bit of his pizazz these past few months. Well into his senior years, our resident turkey tom is finally feeling the toll of having been bred for his flesh. He is met daily with mini-strokes which make him partly collapse and spin around himself in order to find his balance—but his spirit remains as big as his puffed-out plumage, as he continues to give his famous song-and-dance in greeting each human visitor.
Our care team need your support to continue providing him with medical treatments. Fred is on a course of medication from our veterinarians, and needs regular check-ups. We’re also supporting him with medicinal plants and alternative therapies from our trusted practitioners.
Fred’s certainly not ready for his grand finale, and nor are we—and with your contributions, he can continue to wow visitors from around the world and change hearts and minds about birds like him!
Charmer of children.
The welcome committee.